New motor bought of market place

289 - 351 cid Small Block Performance
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Joe Travers
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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by Joe Travers »

19cometman63 wrote:
Sun Nov 24, 2024 7:08 pm
I have the original 260 motor from my comet. It to is possibly scrap. Been toen apart and all rusted up from sitting In the garage for almost 40 years same thing with the heads. If this 289 is toast, then that will be the next choice. For now anyway.
I've been on the lookout for a date coded engine for my car since I bought it. Engine I have to pick up is C3AE. Haven't checked the bore or date stamp to verify. Should be 289 for Galaxie, I believe. I would love to do another engine build, if circumstances allow. At least have something to back up what I already have, if need be.


1963 1/2 Custom Hardtop
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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

Another update. Motor got to the machine shop. Not a happy camper and ease excuse my language a bit. This freakin moron hosed me good. Machine shop Checked everything out. 2 cylinders bored. 003 oversize from piston spec's . They thought maybe the other machine shop measured the piston at the top instead of the gage point. Nope. The other shop just plain blew it oversize. Bad workmanship. Being a machinist for almost 35 years, I would leave the trade if I did something like that and not say anything. So my 700 dollar motor that was supposed to be ready to fire up and run, is now going to cost me $2600. To fix and my shop hasn't gotten to checking the line bore yet. And I still cylinder heads to check and figure out. Good thing I am used to bad luck. If not I would have to take myself out to the pasture and put myself down. Not really, but it's a tough one to handle. Stay tuned, it's going to be a very puppy winter.

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by SASSY »

Sad to read it.
I'd rather do it myself if it's done right or not,,,isn't that what hotrodding is all about

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

Good morning all. To Sassy, sad story? Just part of my luck, been that way my whole life. Over the years I have learned that there is no use getting upset, stomping feet, screaming and yelling. Deal with it, come up with a solution, and move forward. That has been even more apparent since my work accident that almost took my life in 2010. Scary thing to wake up in a hospital after 4 days in an induced coma and not know what happened. Then for doctors and family saying I stood less than a 25 % chance of living. Makes you sit back and take it a little slower, enjoy life. It can be gone in the blink of an eye and you will never know. And with that. Guess what? More bad news from the shop. Morons heated up the rods so much that they distorted them. Pin just falls out. Rods are junk! On a good note. I have 2 sets of 260 rods. One set from my original motor and a set from another block I just picked up. Whoohoo, butt deep now so I am taking the rods and the heads that came off this market place motor to the shop. Fit the rods, check the heads, do what ever it takes, to reason anyway, and let's get this thing together

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by Joe Travers »

19cometman63 wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:52 am
Good morning all. To Sassy, sad story? Just part of my luck, been that way my whole life. Over the years I have learned that there is no use getting upset, stomping feet, screaming and yelling. Deal with it, come up with a solution, and move forward. That has been even more apparent since my work accident that almost took my life in 2010. Scary thing to wake up in a hospital after 4 days in an induced coma and not know what happened. Then for doctors and family saying I stood less than a 25 % chance of living. Makes you sit back and take it a little slower, enjoy life. It can be gone in the blink of an eye and you will never know. And with that. Guess what? More bad news from the shop. Morons heated up the rods so much that they distorted them. Pin just falls out. Rods are junk! On a good note. I have 2 sets of 260 rods. One set from my original motor and a set from another block I just picked up. Whoohoo, butt deep now so I am taking the rods and the heads that came off this market place motor to the shop. Fit the rods, check the heads, do what ever it takes, to reason anyway, and let's get this thing together
Hey man. We're still above ground, right?

Glad you have a fall back plan. I haven't picked up the 289, yet.
Dude is trying to weasel his way into a 4 speed purchase that isn't going to happen. He offered to bring the engine to me & unload it but I don't need scrap lying around if it isn't usable. I have enough on my plate.
Another trip out to his place is warranted to verify a few things before I bite on it.


1963 1/2 Custom Hardtop
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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

And yes Joe, we are still above water and moving along. Hope your 289 works out. I am slowly gathering parts and info up for this crazy adventure. Found what I think will be a good carb for this motor. Edelbrock performer 500cfm 4v. I already have the Edelbrock performer intake and and Edelbrock performance cam and lifter set, so I am hoping for a good match there. I have been doing some shopping and research and I am leaning towards the MSD ignition 6 al system. Looks to rather simple to convert over from points and hopefully more ease and reliability. I was a big fan of the points distributor. And the chevys with that side window to adjust the dwell, omg! First time doing that just about knocked me on the ground. Still got a long way to go. Haven't heard anything back from the shop for almost 2 weeks now, so I am hoping that the rods I gave them, and the heads, haven't thrown up more issues. Last, at some point I will try to figure out just how on this crazy internet world to post some pictures of my crazy stuff. I keep reading and just hasn't hit me hard enough yet. Take care all. Any words of wisdom is always appreciated in my world.

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

Well bored at work and had to try to post a picture...think I got it...let me know if I didn't

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by Jims65cyclone »

You did it!! :D


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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

Whoohoo! So let's try it again
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Addjust another old dirty beauty
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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

So now that I got the picture thing figured out. I know my stuff probably will never match up to the absolutely beautiful cars you all have, but she is mine,I love her, and we will definitely have a lot of fun driving and sharing.
I seen this post yesterday on Facebook, can't find it now, but I had a Pic with a note from the guys wife and $650. Cash laid out. The note read, and I can't remember exactly, but...."this is for your car :oops:! I know your very picky, love you always. Your loving cool that I have a girlfriend that is so supportive of me and my car. She will sit out in the garage with me when I'm working on it. She is always asking, you need the money for it? What can I do to help. Thru all the mess we are going thru with this car, absolutely amazing woman.

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by SASSY »

Very cool about the supportive partner!
The late 63 hardtops are a fav of mine,, that old pickup too! 78?
I'd rather do it myself if it's done right or not,,,isn't that what hotrodding is all about

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

Fell in love with the 63 comet at first site, some 40 years ago. The old truck is actual a '75. Just over 69,000 original miles. Super nice truck. And yes I am a bit ashamed that it has to sit outside. But that how life goes around my woods most days. Just a practical no nonsense person. Functionality is more my side. May not look the best, but it gets the job done and more. I am working very hard at changing that mind set with yhe comet. And with my new partner and designer. That baby just might turn out super cool. That is if I love long enough...lmbo

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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by Joe Travers »

Cool S-22! 8)
Thanks for posting her for us. Really made my day cause it didn't start well.

When weather gets better, need to find a running partner to help me with my car.

Thanks again


1963 1/2 Custom Hardtop
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Re: New motor bought of market place

Post by 19cometman63 »

Thanks Joe. And you can count on me to hang out. I am praying and working my butt off to try and get my girl on the road when it warms up. Be so much better if I had heat in the barn. Foe now, lots of research and gathering parts. And working lots of OT at work to pay for this ungodly cost of rebuilding. Sticker shock is killing me. Should have done this 20 years ago. Wherw abouts are you located again. I'm in Northern Indiana.

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