302 engine for my Caliente '67

289 - 351 cid Small Block Performance
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302 engine for my Caliente '67

Post by Deiv_67 »

Hello everyone, brothers, can you help me with a question about my engine? As you already know, I am in Spain and I am a Mercury Comet enthusiast and I have fulfilled the dream of having my own. I can assure you that it has not been easy at all (all the expenses you have there, here you must multiply them by five).

For all these reasons, the engine I have obtained is a 1990 Mustang 302, but I have removed the injection, and converted it to carburetion Edelbrock. I have installed all new elements (except for connecting rods and pistons, which were very good). My question refers to two components that I have obtained at a very good price, but I am reading things about their brand that have me very worried, this brand is Speedmaster. Both cylinder heads are Speedmaster, and so is the intake manifold. My use is not going to be racing or intensive, in fact the engine parts are not standard, they are slightly improved (fast road) or the so-called E Street in the case of Edelbrock.

My question is, if I should throw away my Speedmaster components because they are very bad and will break my engine, or if on the contrary I should put up with them and enjoy them and leave them in place. Changing them to Edelbrock would cost me a lot of money here in Spain (you can't even imagine). What would you do? Are they really as bad as they say? Thank you.















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Re: 302 engine for my Caliente '67

Post by Caveman49 »

Wellllll, if it were mine I’d sure use it. Don’t know anything about the heads or intake, but they seem to have a decent warranty from what I’m finding on their website, not sure how you bought them. Do your break-in at start up and look and listen for things that don’t seem right. Oil pressure, leaks, temp, knocking, etc.
Your engine is looking good, maybe it’s the angle of the picture, is the serpentine setup inline? Definitely don’t want that cattywoompis (out of alignment).
I can only imagine the difficulty getting parts there in Spain….cost factors for shipping have got to be extremely high.

All the best with your build.
Motor Safe,

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Re: 302 engine for my Caliente '67

Post by Deiv_67 »

Caveman49 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:05 pm
Wellllll, if it were mine I’d sure use it. Don’t know anything about the heads or intake, but they seem to have a decent warranty from what I’m finding on their website, not sure how you bought them. Do your break-in at start up and look and listen for things that don’t seem right. Oil pressure, leaks, temp, knocking, etc.
Your engine is looking good, maybe it’s the angle of the picture, is the serpentine setup inline? Definitely don’t want that cattywoompis (out of alignment).
I can only imagine the difficulty getting parts there in Spain….cost factors for shipping have got to be extremely high.

All the best with your build.
The snake alignment is an optical effect. Thank you! I have spent a lot of money on the car on parts (Edelbrock, Willwood, Torque Trust, ARP, B&M, Motorcraft, Grant, Flowmaster, Mahle, Tuff Stuff USA, Holley...) wanting to give the best possible considering that in Spain everything It costs 5 times more expensive than in the United States. That's why I feel obliged to ask about the heads and the admission of the Speedmaster brand. I have read that they are exact copies of Edelbrock and that it has worked very well for many people, but if anyone of you advises me against it, I would buy the Edelbrock because it is the only thing that raises doubts in my mind. The Speedmaster pieces are all news.
Full restoration '67 from Spain: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=17884

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