I have built several. The first about 15 years ago was a 55 gallon plastic barrel.
The current one is a fiberglass tank maybe 100 gal. Approx 30 inches sq. x 24 inches deep. A better size for some of my larger tractor parts.
Probably all kinds of You tube info on building one. I use a large battery charger running on 6 to 10 amps. The leads are attached then to a good 12 volt battery. Leads then run from the battery to the sacrificial anodes ( the Positive side) The Negative lead from the battery going to the part being cleaned, The part is suspended in the solution so as not to touch the anodes. The solution is water with Arm and Hammer Washing soda added. I used about 1/4 to 1/2 box in the water.
The process is not fast. But it can work all night. It helps remove paint. It cleans in a line of site action. It will not clean inside a gas tank. Unless you suspend an anode inside the tank.
Hope that helps a little?
I have lots of p[ictures and examlpes. On the Comet steering components. It was a help in clean up!
Of course I still had to wire brush the parts coming out of the E-tank, and prep them for paint. This process is typically used as the second of a three step process. Some folks use paint stripper, then Electrolysis, then sand blasting. I use some or all of these also.
Here is the current Electrolysis tank I have been using. I use steel anodes wired together around the outside of the tank. Cleaning is for steel and cast iron parts. cleaning time may be hours to days depending on the size and the paint coats.