Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

The Era of The Square Body Racing Comets
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Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Hey all,
As promised a couple months ago in my introduction thread, here is the beginning of the build thread for my 64 Hardtop.
Refer intro here:
So the car arrived at my house in Australia in June this year, after buying from Bakersfield Cali in March.
No real dramas with the importation, other than just the process playing out with inspections, shipping, more inspections etc.
As mentioned in the intro thread, the car is shabby but in great shape....
Caliente Hardtop
260 / 3sp manual column - original driveline
Bench seat with cloth trim
No PS or AC, original radio and remote mirror seem to be the only options.
Original paint (burgundy 🤮), all trim and hubcaps present. The trunk lid trim has a dent....
The plan:
Cy-Clone (as close as I can make it)
Bucket seats
5-speed floor shift manual (T5)
Keep the 260
Dual exhaust
Dual circuit drum brakes
Still haven't settle on the final color combo yet..... Tossing up Peacock/White-Black, White/Black. Really like Black/Red also, but have that combo on my Falcon coupe so unlikely.
Would love some feedback on the colors....
Here's some pics of the car as recieved.
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Arrival day 😎
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Last edited by warren1328 on Sat Nov 23, 2024 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Keeping along with more of the car as recieved
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Horrible CD player under dash so that I coudln't open the ashtray and groovy steering wheel sleeve 😁
I have a brand new dash pad from falconparts.com that I had delivered to the prev owner and was shipped in the trunk.
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Originally thought the cloth seats were done by previous owner, but curious if may be an option?
All the headliner bows are there but missing one of the caps at the end.
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My mechanic made me paint the air cleaner for the inspection for some reason.....
Note riiculous "burp tank" radiator overflow....
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

So on arrival I took it to my mechanic Rod (73, very oldschool) and we put it up on the hoist.
He's seen soooo many US imports over the years and he actually trie to talk kme out of buying this initially. He's seen too many Aussies burned by rusty imports.....
I was fully expecting to find some ugly underneath but we were both incredibly surprised to see underneath.....
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

So as mentioned, the plan is to make this into a Cy-Clone.
Happily for me, a mate of mine bought a Cyclone about a year ago and he got some extra parts.
Specifically another steering wheel and a tach.
Both needed some love, but turned out pretty well.
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The wheel and horn ring will do for now, but the horn ring will get rechromed when I do the cosmetic resto on the car.
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Cheated a bit with the tach. The inside decal is deteriorated and I didn't want to break the crimping on the body, so I played around and had a new sticker made.

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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

First proper job since the car arrived was to replace the shocks all around and the front springs. The shocks were toast, and the front end was sitting too high for my liking. The new shocks tightened up the ride and the springs a little stiffer and a little lower make a huge difference.
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

So one of the complications of having a LHD car in Australia is the mirrors.....
The Comet has a factory (?) remote mirror and had nothing on the passenger side.
My Mustang I have the factory round mirrors on both sides, and I've used the same mirrors on my XM coupe.
The Comet has the square mirror and I had never seen one just like it. So I referred to my Mustang suppliers and came up with 68 Mustang pass side mirror that I thought would pass as good enough for now.
I had found "64 Comet passenger side mirror" on ebay that looks just right, but was listed at $400 US which just seemed ridiculous, so I went with the 68 Mustang unit for $100 AU.
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If you are not looking in the right angle and can't see both together, you can kind of not notice.
Of course, since I did this, I've discovered that the mirror I need is 63 Thunderbird and I can get one for about $125US. It's an exact match to my driver side mirror so will be part of my next parts order from the US.

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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Next major change was the seats.
This car came with bench front seat. Really not sure about the fabric on them though. Thought they might have been done by the original owner, but after removing and inspecting them, I'm not sure if they are not perhaps original?
The bench had to go, so I managed to source a pair of 68 Mustang seats from a guy an hour up the road who was customizing his Mustang. Zero chance of finding Cyclone seats over here, but these Mustang seats are great dimension for me (I'm 6'2") for driving position. Of course the floorpan is different and there isn't the Mustang style seat base.
Happily I had adapted 65 Mustang seats to my XM Falcon years ago and knew that Mazda 323 seat tracks from around 1986 fit almost perfectly to both the seats and the Falcon/Comet floorpan.
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Took the car to it's first cars and coffee in Aug.
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There was a pro photographer there taking heaps of pics and he got a few good ones of the Comet 😁
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

One of the big things about the Cy-Clone thing is the rarity and expense of some of the Cyclone only trim pieces.
As already seen I've managed to source a Cyclone steering wheel and a tach.
Couple of the difficult things seem to be the wheel arch trims and the hubcaps. Did lots of digging and questioning and seemed that these would be a major stumbling block and expense to the intended project.
Rather than trying to source original trims that would likely be squashed, insanely expensive and probably damaged in shipping, I called into a local Mustang parts vendor here with a tape measure and some sketches. Had measured the length of the wheel arch surface beforehand, and had a good look at the aftermarket Mustang wheel arch trims.
Turns out that 65/6 Mustang front trims are a similar length and 67/8 Mustang rears are a similar length to what's needed. For $30 each AUD it was a no-brainer to buy some and give them a try at re-shaping. Being aluminium they bend easy and by carefully shaping to the Comet wheel arch shape I managed to get them to match perfectly. They will need to be trimmed when I finally fit them up, but they worked brilliantly.
Also, in Australia, the 67 GT Falcon used the exact same hubcaps as the 64/5 Cyclone. They're very expensive here if you can find them, but there was a company that produced a batch of repros just before going out of business recently. I managed to score a full set brand new.
I think the only thing I still need to source is the rocker trim piece. I have some thoughts for that also, but yet to try them.....
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Took a while to make the trims match the wheel arch openings. Had to be very careful and patient as the trims will kink very easily, but I think they have turned out pretty nice and will trim nicely on final fit up.

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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by Jims65cyclone »

Warren, you scored a great find! Mechanical issues can be easily fixed, but a car as relatively rust free as yours is the holy grail. That Bakersville, CA climate certainly did you a favor. I'll be following your build closely for tips on mine. I found a set of Cyclone wheel lips for mine a while back, but still looking for a set of rocker moldings for less than a mint. I'll be interested to see what you come up with given you talent for modifying parts. Keep the posts coming!


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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Cheers, thanks Jim.
The mechanical stuff has always been pretty easy for me. Wanted to get the best body I could, and was certainly pleasantly surprised on arrival.
To the point it had me questioning my project goals for a while. Even had paint supply guy trying to convince me to just paint clear on it and leave it.
I'm a little ahead of the posting here, so there'll be a few more to catch up to where it sits today.
Following along the CyClone pathway are the fender badges.
As mentioned, I have a friend who has a 64 Cyclone so I had access to some fender badges. I do 3D machine design for a living, so it was a nice little distraction for me to measure up the flags and badge and model them in 3D, using AutoDesk Inventor.
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Because I'm modifying a Caliente, I don't have holes in the fender in the correct position for original badges, so I modelled them with larger, more robust pins, and didn't worry too much about copying the placement.
Then I had them 3D printed.....
I made 2 versions of the block letter badge. One for the original type sticker and another with the lettering included.
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Painted them up using chrome spray paint and modellers satin black with brush. Also bought new Cyclone wording stickers from AutoKrafters for the block badge.
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Then mocked up the placement on the fender.
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Next up, radio.
Comet has the original Mercury AM radio. Doesn't work, but looks nice. Also had ugly CD player radio strapped to the underside of the dash that just had to go!
If you've seen my intro post, you'll notice my other vintage Fords. One thing I've done with all of them is to upgrade the radios with Retrosound units with Bluetooth and hands-free phone. On those cars I've gutted the original radios and upgraded them with the controls of the Retrosound units. They operate the same as original, look original (because they still are), but have the BT and hands free features. (you can get massive fines here in Aus for using/touching your phone while driving). Mounted the supplied microphone on the interior visor and ran the wire down behind the A-pillar trim and then behind the dash to the radio.
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So with my Comet, I've also bought the Retro setup, although so far I have just replaced the original radio with the new one. Further down the track, I'll modify the Mercury original and re-install it, but for now, unless you know Comets, you would not notice the RS unit is not the original.
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Obvious upgrade was seatbelts.
The seatbelts in the car were all lap belts, and a combination of old original Ford units and some sort of replacement style, but also old and deteriorated.
I stayed with the original style lap belt configuration, but bought 5 new belts from RetroBelt for new units.
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

So I've arrived at the last major stage of roughing out the planned result, the 5 speed conversion.
I had anticipated driving it a while longer with the 3 on the tree, but outside influences forced my hand.
The guy I have lined up for the exhaust is a genius, but is 83 yrs old and has had some recent health issues. He's decided to finally fully retire, but will do my car as his last one. To that end, I had to get stuck into the gearbox change at short notice to have it ready for exhaust to be done. That will be a simple 2" dual system, with H pipe, hugging the underside as close as possible and exiting at the bumper with original style Mustang turn-downs so that the pipes cannot be readily seen. I don't dig the pipes poking out the back look too much.....
Fortunately I've been playing with Mustangs and Falcons for a long time and have had engines in and out more times than I can remember. Allows me to do most all of the work on my own, without too much assistance, although the dog and the 10yr old twins are always curious 😁
Starting the disassembly.....
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The original driver side manifold that snakes under the engine will be replaced with Mustang unit.
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That funky original exhaust arrangement is so cool it's a shame to bin it. May become a piece of shed art....
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Re: Wazza's 64 Hardtop - Aus

Post by warren1328 »

Keeping the original 260 in the car. It runs great so there's no need to replace it.
Keeping the original crank style clutch also, again, it works fine so no need to replace.
Bought a T5 adaptor plate for 5-bolt bellhousing from NPD.
Also, got the rest of my conversion parts, trans mount bracket and shifter handle from Modern Driveline. I've used NPD for years and they are always great. First project using Modern Driveline and they have also been sensational to deal with!
The adaptor plate bolts directly to the T5 bolt pattern and 2 bolts in the bellhousing. You need to remove the bellhousing and drill 2 further holes to match the adaptor and then bolt them together with 2 bolts from the inside (new holes into tapped holes in the adadptor) and 2 counter sunk cap screws from the adaptor to the bellhousing existing tapped holes.
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