The shifter shifts nice and smooth with no binding, have all the shift stops adjusted and just need to clean it all up and paint a few parts.
With the shifter and linkage removed got a decent size hole. I will make a shifter hump and access panel for. Going to make those out of 16gauge for some strength and will mount with fender bolts and J-nuts.

Still wasn't thrilled with the cut brace. Decided to make a partial brace to reinforce it. Made it out of some 1/4" and 1/8" strap. The top 2 holes are tapped to bolt on top, and the bottom of the brace will bolt on with same bolt as trans crossmember.

Picture of new brace bolted in.

And a couple pictures of brace with shifter and linkage mounted. Happy with the clearance everything has, and the brace really made it solid again.

One showing the inside clearance between shifter and brace.

Also cut the hole in the hood for the air cleaner.

Didn't really chip the paint much,

Few more things scratched off the list.
